The single handled recycled belt length is most important when ordering online.
Average height of a WOMEN
Average strap handle length on bags:

Average height of a MAN
Average strap handle length on bags:

Hand sewn in Cleveland Ohio providing local jobs with fair pay. Our shopping choices impact ourselves, our environment, and our children. Your choices make a difference! Shop local small businesses.
No carbon footprint. Our multipurpose hands-free shopping bags are made from durable quality recycled fabrics; curtains, bedspreads etc. purchased at garage sales, thrift stores, and estate sales.

We recycle and reuse fabric to create anew to be reused again and again. Depending on the size of fabric we are able to cut 1-4 bags. We welcome donations! Cleveland Recycles is a for profit company.
Durable Bags: with lining and no seam at the bottom of the bag
We add an inner lining of fabric for extra strength. Two pieces for fabric. Durable. No seams at the bottom too!
During production, we lay the fabric “on grain” before cutting. The fabric grain effects strength and how the bag moves, pulls, and drapes. Some fabrics are cotton, wool, polyester (plastic/durable), silk…

Recycled belts
Comfy cotton recycled belts as the bag handle. Durable. Single strap handle for on-the-go shopping!
On-the-go shopper
Our lives are busy. It’s nice to have a fashionable single handled multipurpose throw-n-go bag for our hands free to open car doors, help children, or hold hands!
Bag care
Hand wash cold, line dry.
Many happy satisfied recycler customers return to purchase a second Cleveland Recycles bag and share their many stories.

Cleveland Recycles products: Our multipurpose yoga mat carrier bags are made from recycled jeans & belts. Our Cleveland Recycles purses are made from recycled fabrics, purse handles, and purse pockets.
We figure we humans care about our appearance with our purchases of fashionable clothing wear. Men and woman. Cleveland Recycles produces a variety of fashionable fabric bags to match our outfits!
We care about our customers.
Men’s and Women’s
Recycled T-shirts
We carefully hand pick quality recycled shirts from garage sales, thrift stores, and estate sales. We figure: when we humans purchase a new Tshirt and wash it, it becomes a recycled shirt after the first wash.

Cleveland “Recycles”
After bag production, we recycle the cuttings of scrap fabrics into fluffy comfy dog pillows and donate to the local animal shelters. We also use the scrap fabric cuttings to gift wrap.
During production we cutoff the heavy belt buckle and afterwards we take the metal to the local scrap yard for melting.
We recycle/ reuse plastic mailing envelopes to mail our products.
Zero waste
We try our best to walk softly on this earth.
We stand for quality recycled products!